Pridružite se Pobudi za verodostojne novice!

Potrdite vir. Obnovite zaupanje. Zgradite kredibilnost.

V današnjem hitrem digitalnem svetu se dezinformacije in lažne novice širijo hitreje kot kdaj koli prej. Z vsebinami, ki jih brez zadržkov ustvarjajo umetna inteligenca in globoki ponaredki, je vse težje zaupati informacijam, ki jih prejemamo. Pobuda za verodostojne novice je namenjena prav temu – obnoviti in povrnitvi zaupanje v medije.

Zakaj je zaupanje pomembno?

Če ste medij ali ustvarjalec novic, se zavedate, kako pomembna je vaša kredibilnost. Zmožnost dokazovanja avtorstva in potrjevanja virov informacij je bistvena tudi za ohranjanje in rast vašega občinstva. Naša pobuda vam ponuja  rešitev, ki zagotavlja, da so vaše vsebine zanesljive – preverjene in verodostojne.

Kako deluje Pobuda za verodostojne novice?

Pobuda deluje na dva načina. Prvič, z vašo pridružitvijo javno izražate svojo zavezanost k obnovi zaupanja v medije in zagotavljanju kredibilnosti vsebin, ki jih ustvarjate. Če želite iti še korak dlje, vam ponujamo tudi praktično tehnološko rešitev, ki vam pomaga graditi zaupanje na vašem spletnem mestu. V sodelovanju z Netisom vam omogočamo uporabo napredne tehnologije, ki v vaš proces objavljanja in preverjanja digitalnih vsebin vključi digitalne identitete in preverljiva dokazila. Tehnologija vam omogoča:


Potrdite, kdo je (prvi) ustvaril vsebino, in da ta prihaja iz zanesljivega vira.


Objavite besedilo, video ali avdio v formatu, ki ga je mogoče takoj preveriti in mu bralci lahko zaupajo.


S pomočjo tehnologije, ki zagotavlja transparentnost in kredibilnost vsebin, okrepite zaupanje vašega občinstva.

Izzivi današnje medijske krajine

Enostavno ponarejanje, težavno preverjanje

Informacije je mogoče zlahka manipulirati, mdtem ko primanjkuje učinkovitih orodij za njihovo hitro in zanesljivo preverjanje.

Upadanje zaupanja v tradicionalne medije

Ker lahko vsakdo ustvari in deli vsebine, se zaupanje v uveljavljene medije vse bolj krha.

Manipulacija vsebin z umetno inteligenco

Globoki ponaredki, spremenjeni posnetki in vsebine, ustvarjene z umetno inteligenco, predstavljajo vse večjo grožnjo verodostojnosti informacij.

Širjenje napačnih informacij na družbenih omrežjih

Nekontrolirano deljenje dezinformacij se pospešuje.

Težave pri zaščiti avtorstva

Dokazovanje avtorstva in sledenje izvoru vsebin postaja vse večji izziv.

Ključne prednosti pridružitve Pobudi za verodostojne novice

Za medijske hiše in ustvarjalce vsebin:

  • Večja kredibilnost: Preverjeni viri in dokazano avtorstvo povečujejo zaupanje v vašo vsebino.
  • Močnejši ugled blagovne znamke: Zanesljiva blagovna znamka privablja bolj angažirano občinstvo.
  • Večja branost in aktivnost: Bralci se vračajo in delijo vsebine tistih medijev, ki jim zaupajo.  
  • Več prihodkov: Povečana verodostojnost in širše občinstvo ustvarjata več oglaševalskih priložnosti.

Za bralce:

  • Zaupanje v medij: Bralci lažje zaupajo, da so vsebine, ki jih berejo, preverjene in zanesljive.
  • Zaupanje v informacije: Preverjene vsebine povečujejo zaupanje v prejete informacije.
  • Večja angažiranost: Bralci se pogosteje vračajo k zaupanja vrednim virom in jih z veseljem delijo naprej.

Za sodelavce in novinarje:

  • Izboljšana kakovost novinarstva: Preverjene informacije dvigujejo standarde novinarstva.
  • Odprava lažnih novic: Preverjene vsebine jasno ločijo resnične informacije od dezinformacij.
  • Gradnja osebne kredibilnosti: Ustvarjalci vsebin lahko s potrjenim avtorstvom gradijo močno osebno blagovno znamko.
  • Sledljivost in preglednost: Vsako vsebino je mogoče izslediti do njenega izvornega, preverjenega vira.


Za več informacij ali vprašanja se obrnite na:

Kontaktna oseba: Tanja Bivic Plankar –


Viberate is a crowdsourced live music ecosystem and a blockchain-based marketplace, where musicians are matched with booking agencies and event organizers. On the platform, they list profiles of over 150,000 artists, 2,000 booking agencies, 60,000 venues and 500,000 events.

Matej Gregorcic

CEO & Founder
Vasja Veber

Vasja Veber

COO & Founder


An innovations lab and a consultancy, specialized in cohesive solutions for businesses, seeking a competitive edge from blockchain-based technology. Their consultancy framework allows them to offer a wide range of services around blockchain technologies, accompanied with strategic advisory and technology implementation.

Tomislav Mucic

CEO & Founder

Adnrej Plankar

Andrej Plankar

Blockchain Business Consultant


Eligma was born as a response to several key trends and issues identified in traditional retail as well as online shopping. Following our mission to make cryptocurrencies part of daily life, we developed GoCrypto. GoCrypto is a global network for accepting crypto payments. By connecting various crypto wallet users with merchants, we are making instant crypto payments accessible both at physical and online stores.

Dejan Roljic

CEO & Founder

Ziga Toni


Luka Planinc

General counsel

Solidum Capital

Solidum Capital provides premium individual portfolio management services for corporate and high-net-worth investors, as well as for crypto beginners and enthusiasts. They also help crypto entrepreneurs focus on the development of their projects and accomplish their goals easier by managing their crypto assets, raised during the ICO.

Gregor Zupanc

CEO & Cofounder


Uros Zupanc



Lucis is a software development company, specializing in enterprise Java, JavaScript, SQL and blockchain development. They are best known for providing solutions to the Slovenian healthcare system, including the development of impactful products Telestroke, Fabry-Care system, Record-KLB and Cancer Registry.

Tomaž Furlan

CEO & Founder

Bonsis Cooperative

Bonsis Cooperative is a legal and economic consultancy, covering risk management services, and lately also blockchain technology in the terms of data privacy. Their vision is to offer comprehensive integrated services under one-roof with a customer-friendly and economic problem-solving support.

Viljem Minoski

CEO & Cofounder


BC VAULT is one of the safest, most private, and easiest to use hardware wallet created by Real Security Inc. The wallet offers native support of numerous cryptocurrencies and top-notch security, allowing users to store their private keys on a secure hardware device.

Rok Jeler



Arctur d.o.o. is a high-tech company that constantly strives for innovative and user-friendly IT solutions for companies, the state, public institutions, research institutions and non-governmental organizations. They provide customer-tailored IT solutions and are the leading provider of supercomputing services in Southeast and Central Europe for SMEs. The company cooperates with academic and scientific institutions. It also prides itself on an excellent network of international partners, enabling them to intensive activities in research and development, thus expanding operations into increasingly complex computer environments and opening ever-new IT markets.

Today, the company employs more than 40 experts, forming a team with invaluable knowledge and experience in the field of ICT R&D, programming, ICT consulting, design and 3D animation. They are also the initiator of the
Turizem 4.0 paradigm in which Industry 4.0 technologies are transferred to tourism.

Tomi Ilijaš


Urska S. Peceny


Strategic partners

Ste pripravljeni obnoviti zaupanje v medije?

Če ste medijska hiša – bodisi novičarski portal, radijska ali televizijska postaja, vplivnež, bloger ali novinar – se nam pridružite pri ustvarjanju bolj transparentnih in zanesljivih informacij.

Postanite član Pobude verodostojne novice!

Blockchain Association

We are committed to helping people and organizations understand, implement and benefit from blockchain related technologies and innovations.

Klemen Rupnik​

CEO & cofounder

Blockchain Think Tank

The association is building bridges between the private and public sector, as the cooperation among them is crucial for the development of the blockchain technologies. Further on it provides a platform for the transfer of knowledge, a marketplace to connect experts with companies and various projects. Above all it serves as a tool for issuing soft law (guidelines and directives), as a self-regulatory body.

Anja Blaj


Dr. Peter Merc

Management Board

Marina Markežič

Management Board

Nooor​ Armenian Blockchain Association

The Nooor – Armenian Blockchain Association is a non-profit organization that unites and supports blockchain enthusiasts, experts, developers, businesses, startups from various spheres helping them integrate into the international blockchain network.

Vigen Arushanyan​


Viktoria Khechumyan


Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS)

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS) aims to become one of the leading private schools of commerce in Slovenia and to be recognised as one of the best in Europe. The effective combination of theory and practice produces highly qualified graduates with skills and knowledge applicable in the business and public sectors at the European level. The FCBS appeals to prospective students and their potential employers by setting a high standard of quality. The professor Mirjana Ivanuša Bezjak introduced in 2018 the course “The use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies” which is continuously carried out every year.

mag. Mirjana Ivanuša-Bezjak​


Blockchain Revolution – Croatian Blockchain Education Initiative

Blockchain Revolution is a non-profit organisation based in Croatia that aims at spreading awareness and knowledge about the potential and applications of blockchain technology. It is founded by two blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts and entrepreneurs, passionate crypto blogger Vedran Mijatović and lawyer Tomislav Ditrih. This education initiative is planning to organise a series of basic and advanced blockchain lectures and similar activities in high schools and universities.

Vedran Mijatović​

President / Co-Founder

Tomislav Ditrih

Vice-President / Co-Founder

Luka Kapetanić

Strategic Advisor

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