FinTech Adria

We were a part of the FinTech Adria Conference which took place on the 20th and 21st of May on the Katarina Island in Rovinj, Croatia. The event boasted more than 200 guests, 20+ speakers and blockchain/fintech rich content. President of BAE, Tanja Bivic, was invited as a Speaker and together with Martina Markezic, Zeljka Motika and moderator Adryenn Ashley discussed possible ways of attracting more women into industries predominated by men such as the blockchain industry, fintech and similar. Tanja also had a speech regarding the lessons we have learned during the ICO craze with guidelines on how to not repeat the same mistakes for upcoming blockchain companies. All in all, the two days were content filled and brought international blockchain actors together while showing that the entire region is turning towards new technologies and alternative ways of communication and data usage.